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The great internet God Google has announced a SEO algorithm update called the ‘June 2019 Core Update’. They tweeted the announcement on June 3rd with a link to their guidance about such updates.. “An Update about Updates”.

To summarise the announcement: They have made broad changes to their core algorithm however there are no major fixes necessary for content owners. Specific details of the update have not yet been announced but the key focus is said to be about improving relevance. So what what does this all mean for you?

It means, they have not made major game changes but have given a polite warning that relevant and up-to-date content is of vital importance. So, if you haven’t logged onto your website in a while and made some updates, this is the kick-up-the-bum to do so. Or, get in touch with me and I can help you resuscitate your website with a content

defibrillator to keep the Google Gods happy.

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